Supporting the Process of Loss. “It’s OK to Cry”
Healing, Calming for the nervous system and emotions. Assists in the release of grief. Gently uplifting while still allowing the process of letting go. Assists with cellular release work and honouring oneself. Moving forward with unconditional love and support for oneself and others. Staying present with what is happening for oneself and not getting caught up in others’.
Extracts and essences of: Toadflax, Borage, Motherwort, Kawakawa, Kumarahou, Tanekaha, Piperaceae sp, Dianella sp, Hawthorn, Heart Chakra, St John’s Wort, Yellow Dock, Matipo, Lavender & angelica, Peach Stones, Tataramoa, Wood betony, Quartz Crystals,Ti kouka, Hops, Wild Clematis, Lady Nada, Totara, Pennyroyal.